ECE 327 - Digital Circuit Design

















































Laboratory 6

Aim: To design and implement a circuit which detects errors in a serial data transmission line.

Material needed: Protoboard, Logic template, 74175 DFlip-Flops and 74157 Quad 2-to-1 MUXes, one EPROM chip, 2 SPDT switches, a DIP switches, a set of resistors (0.25W, 1k ohms and 0.25W, 330 ohms), LED's, segment display AND, OR and NAND gates and wires for Protoboard.

Problem: your goal is to design and implement a receiver circuit which has a clock and a serial data input line x. The following bit sequences are known to be erroneous.

1.      Four consecutive 0's.

2.      Two consecutive 1's followed by a 0.

Your circuit should check for these sequences and set an output line Y to indicate an error. Let the initial state be all the zero state, which can be forced using lines of the D-FF's. Since some states of the machine may be unused and random noise can send the machine to one of these states, we need to make sure that even if the machine goes to unused state, it can return to a valid state. To implement this let there be a transition from each unused state to the initial state. At the same time set another output line z to indicate that the machine was in an unused state due to noise.

In our case, we can simulate a noisy environment by parallel loading (PL) an unused state onto the FF's. The PL circuit can be constructed using MUXes. Both clock and input X need to be debounced. The input x and outputs y and z should be displayed on LED's and the state of the machine should be displayed on a 7-segment display.


1.      Design the circuit and draw its diagram.

2.      Draw a schematic diagram using chips (include pin numbers, Vcc and ground).

3.      Generate a set of test inputs that would check the operation of the register. What is the minimum number of clock cycles required to test it completely.

Demo: Build the circuit and demonstrate its operation by applying different input combinations.

1.      Derive inputs to the circuits using DIP switches and the outputs to LED's.

2.      Apply your test input set and demonstrate the operation.

Note: Use two D-FFs to latch your output signal Y and Z.





















