ECE 327 - Digital Circuit Design




Laboratory 4

Aim: To design and implement a general purpose register.

Material needed: Protoboard, Logic template, 74175 DFlip-Flops and 74153 Multiplexers, DIP switches, a set of resistors (0.25W, 1k ohms and 0.25W, 330 ohms), LED's, wave generator and wires for Protoboard.

Problem: To construct a general-purpose 4-bit register. Let the control inputs (to Multiplexers) be denoted by S0 and S1. Then the mapping between control input values and register functions is as follows.


S0 S1 Function
0 0 Hold previous value
0 1 Shift right
1 0 Shift left
1 1 Parallel load

Clocking: Clock signal is use waveform generator.


  1. Design the circuit and draw its diagram.

  2. Draw a schematic diagram using chips (include pin numbers, Vcc and ground).

  3. Generate a set of test inputs that would check the operation of the register. What is the minimum number of clock cycles required to test it completely.

Demo: Build the circuit and demonstrate its operation by applying different input combinations.

  1. Derive inputs to the circuits using DIP switches and the outputs using LED's.

  2. Apply your test input set and demonstrate the operation.





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