



Initiative Definitions









Scientific Objective

The objective of this initiative is to develop techniques for the design, control, protection, monitoring and optimization of renewable electric energy systems and their integration into the utility grid. Systems that are of interest include solar, wind, hydropower, and environmentally friendly fuel cell generators, as well as electric energy storage systems.



Renewable energy emerges as a viable technology for utility, industrial, commercial and residential use by providing economic, reliable and flexible operation and environmental safety. Power supplies based on renewable resources combine state-of-the-art in photovoltaics, electric machines, batteries, superconductors, power electronics, as well as computing and communications. As these integrated systems are expected to proliferate in a proceeding utility deregulation, there is need for fundamental and applied research to understand their operation and improve their performance on the power grid. Some investigation could include optimum designs for source-user and source-utility interface, techniques for the control of power quality, the effect on the stability and reliability of the grid, the management and coordination of globally dispersed systems, and the economic operation of renewable energy systems and their impact on power markets.


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The initiative's team will comprise expertise in essential disciplines including power systems, power distribution systems planning and operation, power electronics, electrical drives, control and protection, and computing and communication. The team currently consists of Drs.

M. Daneshdoost,

V.K. Feiste,

C.J. Hatziadoniu, (web-master

D. Kagaris and

F. Pourboghrat

from the Department of Electrical Engineering, SIUC, and

Dr. Bogdan Kasztenny from the EE department, Texas A&M university.


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The team activities include:

  1. Enriching the knowledge of the team: The members of the team will present and exchange ideas on regular basis through meetings and communications. These activities also include seminars and invitation of scholars in related fields.
  2. Working on pilot projects: The team will work on pilot projects to demonstrate basic ideas. These projects leading to professional publications could attract interest of related industry and utility.
  3. Introduce renewable energy systems into the engineering curriculum.

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    Tutorial Presentations

    1. Overview of Distributed Generation
    2. Optimum Planning and Operation of Distribution Network
    3. Nature of Interactions between DSG and the System.



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